Quayside Visit to see the Bridges

Quayside Visit to see the Bridges

Year 1 visited the Quayside as part of the the River Tyne Project for their Geography learning. First stop was the Baltic . The children got to enjoy the amazing views of the River Tyne from the viewing platform. They carried out some sketches of what they could see....
Year 5 Computer Club

Year 5 Computer Club

Year 5 computer Club Year  5 children had the opportunity to attend an after school computer club to consolidate their class learning and try out new and fun iPad and computer work. The children explored: MOLDIV Pic Collage Skitch ChatterPix Kids Micro-bits  ...
KS1 Sports Day

KS1 Sports Day

Year 1 and 2 children had an amazing sports day. They took part in many team activities which included: The egg and spoon race. Running races. Dress the scarecrow. Skipping. Throwing the bean bags. Great fun was had by all!...