Investigating Yeast

Investigating Yeast

Year 6 have been learning about micro-organisms. Yeast is a microbe that feeds on sugar. When the sugar is digested a gas is released called carbon dioxide. We can see this as bubbles. How would the amount of sugar added to the yeast affect the size of the balloon? An...

Year 6 Safety Works

Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their morning at Safety Works. There was a carousel of activities led by knowledgeable professionals from the police, fire service, RNLI and Nexus. Not only did we learn how to stay safe, we also realised the potential consequences of...
Year 2 Land Art

Year 2 Land Art

Our art focus this term has been on land art. We were inspired by the work of the famous artist Andy Goldsworthy who uses the natural envirnoment to create scultpures.
Centre for Life

Centre for Life

This week, Year 4 had the opportunity to visit the Centre for Life in Newcastle. We took part in a fantastic workshop called ‘Electrifying Newcastle’ where they were able to experiment with circuits and switches which is what we are currently learning...