KS1 Sports Day

KS1 Sports Day

Year 1 and 2 children had an amazing sports day. They took part in many team activities which included: The egg and spoon race. Running races. Dress the scarecrow. Skipping. Throwing the bean bags. Great fun was had by all!...
Year 2 Land Art

Year 2 Land Art

Our art focus this term has been on land art. We were inspired by the work of the famous artist Andy Goldsworthy who uses the natural envirnoment to create scultpures.
Y2 Islam Week

Y2 Islam Week

We are lucky enough to have 11 Muslim children in Y2, so when it was time to learn about the Islamic faith, we had experts on hand! They answered questions, spoke about their beliefs and explained why they had brought some of their special belongings in to school. The...