At St. Joseph’s we intend to deliver an engaging, inspiring and challenging art curriculum which provides children with a platform to express themselves creatively using their knowledge and skills in new and exciting ways.
Our Art curriculum allows children to explore and consider the impact of art throughout history and the cultural development of different art forms, using their observations to inspire and shape their own imaginative works.
At St Joseph’s Art is taught in every year group from Nursery to Year Six. Our Art curriculum is planned using a creative approach, developed around topics and themes. Teaching staff plan their art work using the National Curriculum and aim to embed subject specific skills and knowledge throughout their work. Culture and our local community are important influences within our school and feature in the development of art works and projects throughout the school, ensuring meaningful and engaging learning experiences are created. There are opportunities for children to visit our local art galleries – The Laing and Shipley Art Gallery.
Each child from KS1 has a sketch book. Children use their sketch books to make initial sketches, develop skills and record ideas and develop opinions.
Through Expressive Arts children are encouraged to explore different media, explore how media can be combined to create different effects and develop a range of skills and techniques experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. Children are given daily access to a range of creative opportunities and enjoy our carefully planned and well-resourced creative areas both indoors and out. Children are encouraged to create on both small and large scales and our outdoor environment supports this well. Children are encouraged to develop their communication and language skills through talking about their creations and sharing these with others to build confidence and raise self-esteem.
It is through a varied and challenging curriculum we aim to develop confidence, enjoyment and enrichment in the lives of the children in our care while also providing a platform for expression and the celebration of different cultures through the visual arts. Throughout their time at St. Joseph’s all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum. Children are taught to develop, and become proficient in the use of techniques including drawing, painting, sculpting, printing and other forms of craft and design. Progression of skills and knowledge is considered at all ages in the development of the art curriculum and ensures all children can access the curriculum at an appropriate level with the opportunity to build on their prior knowledge.
Children have the opportunity to work in groups and independently and have the opportunity to reflect critically upon their own performance and understanding.
Throughout their time at St Joseph’s every child is given the opportunity to learn the skills of drawing, painting, sculpture and digital art through the exploration of an artist, craft maker, or designer and their work.
Children experience memorable and relevant opportunities to develop skills while considering the impact of art, both as an expression of feeling, to commemorate special events and to celebrate our local area.