The intent of science at St. Joseph’s, is a belief that a high-quality Science education will provide children with a sense of excitement and life-long curiosity about their environment, thus encouraging a thirst for knowledge. We aim to provide the foundations for understanding the World through the subjects of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. We will provide opportunities for children to write like a scientist, work mathematically and develop their vocabulary, language and experiences both inside and outside our school. We hope to provide them with a worthwhile subject content that will inspire them to take an interest in Science as they move forward in their education and into adulthood. At St. Joseph’s we will help to provide them with the knowledge to stay safe in their urban environment.
Children have the opportunity to build upon a body of key foundational skills, knowledge and concepts. They are encouraged to understand how Science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave and analyse causes. Lessons will be exciting, horizon -broadening, delivered in the classroom as well as on educational visits and at times by real-life visitors. We will provide opportunities for children to make links between what they learn in the classroom and their wider world, including local and world-wide industry, for example Forest School activities, visits out of school and participation in workshops (Centre for Life, Scotswood Community Garden).
Work by local scientists and those who have had an impact on our lives, will also investigated.
We aim to ensure that all children:
Develop an understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Science through different types of enquiry, that help them answer scientific questions about the world around them.
Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and applications of Science, today and in the future.
At St. Joseph’s, Science is taught both as a discrete subject and as a part of the wider curriculum. In EYFS, children begin to develop an understanding of Science through the Prime Area of Learning - Understanding the World.
Children learn to ask scientific questions and begin to appreciate the way Science is an integral part of our everyday modern life and will affect the present and the future on a personal, national and global level. Children apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of Science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data.
We aim to provide skills and knowledge through a progression of skills delivered by teachers aware of what is expected in each unit.
Children will be able to answer a specific set of questions related to each unit of work.
Lessons will be delivered providing opportunities for enquiry: pattern seeking, observing over time, research, identification and classification as well as comparative and fair testing.
Factual and experiential learning will take place during lessons allowing children the opportunity to plan and carry out their own investigations.
Standards in English and maths will match the relevant year group expectations and standards where possible.
Children at St. Joseph’s can discuss the work they have carried out during science lessons. They are able to name and discuss scientists and the work that they did in the past as well aa in today’s world. Through the work that is taught in class, children understand the diverse range of science and the diversity of the sciences in these rolls. They make links with science in their everyday lives and how this can impact on their life.